BCcampus plays a critical role in enhancing B.C. public post-secondary education by facilitating and sharing innovative teaching and learning approaches on behalf of students and educators and in support of Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills mandates. As an organization, we identify and cultivate sector-wide efficiencies by providing opportunities and mechanisms to enhance collaboration, openness, and transparency.

Join us in shaping the future of post-secondary education in B.C. by participating in our strategic plan initiatives.

Strategy Phases
The following phases will help us understand the multiple perspectives in our community:
Phase 1:
Understanding Our Audience and Interest Holders
June 2023
Phase 2:
What Is Impacting Post-Secondary Education? Environmental Analysis
June to August 2023
Phase 3:
Listening and Learning: Survey Dissemination and Focus Groups
November to December 2023
Phase 4:
Identifying Where We Need to Go to Succeed: Gap Analysis
December 2023 to January 2024
Phase 5:
Sharing Our Priorities and Initiatives: Draft Strategic Plan Available for Review
January to February 2024